[h3]Libé[/h3] Libé shrugged. He was fine with one or the other. He did want to go outside though. When the little girl declared her presumed royalty Libé just smiled and shot Rina an adult look saying 'Don't break the illusion.' He followed outside trough the door. Into the open world. He absentmindedly reacted to Alison talking to what he assumed was like Aron, a familiar of sorts. "You could call kitten Azraël after Gargamel's cat, from the Smurfs." But Libé's train of thought was obliterated when he took in the open world outside. In awe he staggered out of the futuristic building to see rolling plains at the edge of a forest. A beautiful forest. One like the ones you only see on vacations to faraway lands. It was probably magic too. [i]Because when isn't it a magic forest.[/i] He remembered the fantasy stereotype. Now he was really in a fantasy world. And he liked the idea that the woods were probably filled to the brim with the weird and wondrous. The plants and trees were alien. So was the sky. Dumbstruck with wonder Libé stared at the splendor around him. It's glory evoking inspiration of staggering proportions. The earth rumbled and waved softly along with Libé's breath. It felt like the ground pulled at his mind and fingers, and moved when he pulled back. Hesitantly a shaky pillar of earth rose from the ground while the level around it gradually lowered. He could move the ground! Absorbed Libé played with the material as it bend to his whims. His eyes sparked with excitement while he mumbled something about magic.