[h2]Anno[/h2] So... so this was new. That was certainly one word for it, new. There were a lot of other words that could describe this experience, but 'new' was definitely among them. Others included such gems as 'confusing', 'terrifying', and, though not a single word, 'oh my god what is going on help me I'm lost why is there a desert it's too hot help'. Many such sentiments were floating through the brunette girl's mind as she nervously stood outside the bar, clutching a small item in her hands and shuffling her feet weakly. Someone guy who looked to be in his teens had just burst into it in the most dramatic fashion possible, and now, well... no that had actually done quite the opposite in terms of her confidence in going inside. She'd been intending to, yes, but now... what if a fight started in there? It was a bar in some kind of weird cowboy world after all. Usually when people burst in dramatically there was going to be an almost immediate barfight or shootout or something. There. Why was she even in a cowboy world...? Anno was confused about many things at the moment and nothing that had happened so far helped at all. First she'd seen the strange little necklace sort of... extrude itself out of the air, warping the space around it as it did. It was a simple little golden shard, that looked like it was made out of metal. Of some sort. It wasn't heavy like gold but it was definitely the right color. Then the air had warped again, but instead of pushing something out it had dragged her in. And then she found herself... here. She didn't know where this was, but judging by the fact that not everything actually looked like it belonged in the wild west she guessed it wasn't time travel. At least she wasn't dressed heavily, so overheating wasn't too bad an issue... the sun certainly was though. She had to stay under one of the overhangs. Being so pale really wasn't good for standing out in the intense desert sunlight. Anno had just wanted to head inside and try and ask about where she was, but, well... what if some kind of barfight started up? She didn't want to be there if that happened...