Strangely, the bar seemed to have suddenly become a hub of activity--some short guy had come in dressed to the nines as a cowboy, though Rain paid no more attention to the outfit after ascertaining that: A) her coat was better, and B) the guy wasn't an NCR Ranger. Not that she had any idea how or why one of them would be out here, of all places. Some blonde guy had also come in, followed by some sort of animal that... was rather impressively chugging someone else's drink. Speaking of drinks, what the hell was with people ordering so many non-alcoholic things? This was a [i]bar[/i]. Though if she'd got any jobs lined up the next day, she'd probably have gone for the sarsparilla too; it grew on you when it was one of the few things in the Mojave that were actually safe to drink rather than irradiated. As she took a swig of the beer--whatever it was--that she'd bought, Rain caught sight of a surprisingly scantily-clad blonde waving at her. She waved back, realising as she did so that waving a smoldering orange power fist in someone's direction was a bit more threatening than intended. Nothing for it, then, but to go over... and say hi. "Uh... hello?" the tall girl awkwardly asked, fiddling with her Pip-Boy nervously. The blonde wanted to talk, right?