"Bloody exchange rate..." The bar's manager said as he read up on the currency. Having a world that caters to all worlds has its problems. Especially in economy. The list was perhaps longer than a basic Terms of Agreement from Apple as it showed various rates. In this case, he was trying to find one for a recently shown currency: bottlecaps. As much as he couldn't believe it, there was at least one society that was devastated enough to consider the caps found on cola bottles to be viable currency. He grumbled upon finding how they'd convert to the Multiversal Currency, Muros. "PENNIES!? THEY'RE BASICALLY PENNIES!?" 0.01 Muro. That's how much a bottlecap would be worth. His exclamation could he heard in the bar, though muffled. He was thankful that his bartender refused the payment. It'd have been a nightmare to count whatever bottlecaps the new patron had. [hr] Jason awoke to the sounds of fighting outside his room. He looked out and saw Gojira fighting MUTO. However, he paid no mind to it and tried to go back to sleep, wondering where to go once his ship's fueled. [hr] After the bartender handed Rin another drink, he glared to Augustus. He cleaned the glass as he kept his stare. He'd use his signature spit in the glass trick, but health inspectors stopped him from doing that. He handed August a sarsaparilla then coughed up. "How'd you be payin'?" He asked him. Elsewhere in the bar, William Noah read from a book. It was his favorite hobby... Well, to be fair he borrowed said hobby from a friend. Many people would think twice to wear a baggy robe like William had in this heat, but William didn't mind it. That's when a woman entered the bar and demanded to know where she is and what year it is. He sighed and put a bookmark in the book before he closed it. Chapter 14 will have to wait. And he just got to the good part too. "You're on the Western Planet. Year... Well, that's a long story. Right now, it's 211 M.E... Are you good with Gregorian calendars? Think it translates to... 2015?" He said to Shezow.