[@Dasomen] Still doing this right? Also still looking for a possible co-Gm? Username: Tsar Gatto Name: Skrut 'Skullcrush' Age: 20 Sex: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/tumblr_nocz0tc5tP1rcb98go1_500.jpg[/IMG] Skrut looks on first glance like most of his warboy brothers. White pale skin, engine grease war paint and several scars adorn his body like badges of honour. His eyes are a pale sickly blue and Skrut seems constantly to be hyped up and restless, usually shifting and glancing around at his surroundings. Skrut wars only a tattered dark rag for a scarf and only due to the severe and deadly sandstorms that are somewhat frequent in the wasteland surrounding the oasis. He wears no armour and only covers his bottom half, choosing to fight and ride as topless as the day he came into what remains of this world. His right hand is permanently clasped within a bulky metal power-fist, machinery running up his wrist and augmenting his punch to deliver an unbelievable amount of pressure. Roll: War Boy Equipment: Skrut, simply put, does not give a shit about his equipment. He will use literally anything to hand to kill the enemies of his God. He carries practically nothing permanently and goes through phases of favouring both guns or melee weapons. Magnum Opus: Skrut's magnum Opus is the power-fist type device that is built into his right hand, augmented into his flesh and bone. His hand was once crushed in a raid, shattering the bones and making it all but useless. Fortunately the glassboys were willing to experiment and came up with augmenting a powerfist onto his arm, Skrut only having to endure countless hours of agonising surgery and survive the following infection. Though he came close to death he recovered, and with only a few tweaks and modifications the power fist became a most helpful boon to him and his brothers. Biography: There really isn't much to say about Skrut or his history. He was born in the oasis and plans to die historic on the fury road, like all true Warboys do. He is awaited in Valhalla, or at least he believes he is so. He grew up listening to the tales of glory and victory told by the other warboys, ever eager to get out and prove himself as a fearsome warrior and kill some schlangers. His dream is to die in the service of his god Fizzion in the most glorious way possible, one day having tales of his valour sung loudly in the oasis. He does not play well with others and the glassboys, blackfingers and even some gearheads try to avoid angering him, less he lose it and try to turn them into slag.