Looking at Finn Lockhart, you would've never thought him a werewolf. He was slim, with legs that made it so that he looked down on most people. Most humans were under the impression that werewolves would be muscled and have an angsty look in their eye. Finn had neither of those things. He did have some muscle but not nearly enough as the characters you would find in movies. That wasn't to say he wasn't strong. Even in human form, Finn's senses were enhanced and he could lift more than most humans. But most people wouldn't expect a tall boy in a black coat and beige pants to be a werewolf. For this reason, no one would expect that his act had anything supernatural involved. How could it? This was a normal boy. Most humans would never suspect magic, even if it was looking them straight in the face. And so, as Finn walked out after Lark had gone, he smirked. It always brought him a little bit of joy to see the excited looks on the crowds faces. When he reached the middle of the ring the tent went dark. Howls sounded all around the ring as his wolves were released. Finn's heritage as alpha was what had given him his act. Being the blood of an alpha werewolf, it gave him the ability to communicate with wolves, and train them. His act utilized his two pet wolves, Remus and Silver. Finn had found the two soon after running away from the tribe and they became his constant companions. When the lights came up, Remus was on his left, snarling at the crowd, and Silver was on his right, nose turned up as if she couldn't be bothered to look at the crowd. "Ladies and gentleman. It's an old saying that one can not actually tame a wolf. That a wolf's true loyalty is to the wild. Well I am here to dispose of that myth," Finn shouted, a grin spreading across his face. He snapped his fingers and his pets took off, running in a circle around the ring. They hurtled over stools and jumped through rings. The act, which continued for several minutes, finally concluded with the two wolves coming up to him and nuzzling his side, earning many affectionate noises from the crowd. Finn then bowed, albeit in a slightly over dramatic fashion, before leaving the ring, Remus and Silver padding behind him.