[@Mugin] Mid sniffle, Annaliza felt a pair of warm arms encircle her and hold her close. Her ice blue eyes focused on Taylor and she leaned into the embrace before wiping the slight wetness from her eyes. ' [i]Perhaps one day I'll speak to you using my voice. Until that point, I hope it's alright if I continue talking to you through writing.[/i] ' She paused a second to let that sink in before scribbling something else. ' [i]You sound a lot like my father. He said the same thing, although not as nicely. I was basically told that he was going to slap some sense into my if I continued to blame myself for their death's. My mom didn't approve of the way he talked to me, but the two of them are incredibly in love so the words she directed at him weren't very harsh, all things considered.[/i] ' Their order arrived just before Taylor said he had something to tell her. Reaching out and grabbing her shake, she took a few sips and nibbled on her sandwich before scribbling once more on the sketchpad. There were a million things running through her mind and she hoped that none of them were correct. It wasn't unusual ( in fact it was almost unheard of for someone not to ) for someone to date others while they waited for the date on their wrist to arrive. Maybe Taylor already had a girlfriend and that's what he needed to tell her. Tightening her grip on her bear, she focused on her writing ' [i]I hope it's nothing bad. I'll gladly listen to anything you have to say though.[/i] ' ~ Dyami had just finished his shift at the hospital without so much as a glimmer from his wrist, and he was thankful for that. Being a doctor could be taxing at times because you had to watch people grieve over the loss of their soul mates, or thank you profusely for saving their lover, child, family member, ect. Luckily the name on his wrist was still as blue as always and he knew they were still out there enjoying life. Well; at least he hoped they were enjoying their life. Slipping out of his coat and changing into a pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt, he grabbed his stuff and exited the hospital. Today was the day he would meet his soul mate, and it was only 1am so he was going to go home and get a few hours of sleep before going out for some breakfast. By the time he reached his house and unlocked the door, he was pretty much dead on his feet and the couch looked incredibly inviting, so he curled up there. He slept until almost 9 when his alarm went off to let him know he had a notification. Groaning unhappily and pulling his phone out of his pocket, he stared at the screen where a message from a co-worker was demanding his attention. ' Call me immediately ' it said, so he called and the phone was picked up on the first ring. " [i]Dyami, thank god.[/i] " " [color=f7941d]What's wrong?[/color] " " [i]There is a patient here and they won't stop bleeding. I've tried everything and nothing seems to work! I'm afraid we're going to l-[/i] " " [color=f7941d]Slow down and explain the situation to me Chris. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong.[/color] " Chris spent the next minute quickly rattling off symptoms and injuries and pleaded with Dyami to help. Luckily Dyami didn't need more than the first few symptoms to figure out what was wrong. " [color=f7941d]The problem is probably with the wound itself. Did you check for bone fragments in the nearby tissue?[/color] " " [i]Ye-No.[/i] " " [color=f7941d]Sometimes the bone will break in places that can only be seen on an X-Ray, so you need to check the immediate area even if you don't think something is broken.[/color] " After a few more minutes of conversation and Chris letting him know that the blood was slowing down, Dyami hung up the phone and rubbed his face. Leaving the phone on the couch he headed upstairs, fed Larry, took a quick shower ( and changing into a blue shirt with grey jeans ) and then grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys before leaving the house to grab himself some breakfast. It wasn't that Dyami was a bad cook, he just normally didn't want to spend the time it took to make the food. Making his way toward the park, he ignored the itching of his wrist and grabbed breakfast to go from one of the park vendors. He was halfway through his sandwich when the itch turned to a burn and he stared down at his wrist where his watch was covering up the ink.