"Plue!" The woman called out again. Sweat was beading down her forehead and she was feeling uncomfortably hot. Garage Island was in the middle of winter when she left so this sudden change in temperature was disorienting her. Furthermore, Plue didn't seem to be answering her calls. [i]How annoying[/i], she thought. For a moment, she was considering going in one of the taverns for a break. She totally wasn't just giving up. Those thoughts stopped in their tracks when a voice suddenly startled her. "Wha-?" She swiveled around to see another woman approaching her and offering to help find her wayward dog. Well, there goes her plans to take a 'break'. Fiddling with her cap, she answered the stranger, "Uh... sure. I'm Phoebe, its nice meeting you Martha." "Uhm, I suppose I should tell you what Plue looks like before we start looking. He's about this high," Phoebe placed her hand somewhere below her knee, "and he's all white with an orange drill nose. His previous owner said he was a dog??? So, yeah."