[b]Kamina[/b] Kamina recognized these guys right away; they were the ones who attacked the home of Celles' family...and that was [b]unacceptable[/b]. Sure it was in the fight with them that he finally evolved, but that wasn't going to help them at all. "How dare you show your faces in front of us again!!!" Kamina roared "this time, I will be sure to engrave my vengeance on your bodies!!" Because Anthony had already gotten off, it was safe for Kamina's body to flare up as he charged at one of the Sneasel. This sent the much smaller Pokemon into it's double as the second was getting back up --- [b]Tini[/b] Tini was confused. Now while this might not be anything new or surprising, it was still worth mentioning. "Um...aren't you guy's putting too much thought into this? Can't we just put more heavy things on him...like more bookcases? I mean, he's a super bad guy, so it's okay if we have to break most of his bones to keep him trapped. He looks more fast then strong, so I think that if we get enough heavy things on him, he'll be stuck until someone get's him out" something that Tini didn't register, was that he was saying all of this right where Bonnie's dad could hear him