A young brunette wandered aimlessly through the streets, glancing around at various buildings. For the most part, her attire wouldn't look out of place in a more modern world...but then there was the strange belt she wore. Sure, she probably didn't [i]need[/i] to be wearing her Driver now, but this was the old West! Shoot-outs and brawls could break out at any time in the West, right? Okay, maybe not, but most of Rachel's knowledge of the time period this place seemed to be themed around came from cowboy movies and reading about famous outlaws and it was better to be safe than sorry. Eventually, Rachel settled on heading into one of the town's bars. She wasn't exactly big on alcohol, much less the kind this place was likely to have, but at least, it would get her inside and out of the sun. However, as she approached the building, she noticed something or rather, someone. The other girl seemed confused and...afraid? Maybe this was her first time off her world? Or maybe there was a fight going on in that bar? "Um, excuse me, miss?" She called out, approaching Anno. "Are you okay?" Okay, that was a stupid question, but it was probably better to get the actual story than just jump to conclusions.