And steal it he shall! Toby was already in the background at the time watching all the performances and would clap after each one along with the claps of the crowd so he wouldn't be noticed. His plan was to actually wait till everyone had finished but the weeping sound of a little girl made him spring into action! He popped out of nowhere behind the child, gaining the attention of both her and everyone else nearby to the goofy face he was making to try to make her smile. At first she was still confused but a couple seconds later she started giggling. Now the clown wasn't finished just yet, as he pulled out a small balloon out of his pocket and began to blow air into it. After making a rod shape, it is when he started bending it in different directions for about a minute until the balloon was now in the shape of a bear. Satisfied with his work, he handed the balloon animal to the girl who was now smiling again. He had finished one task but his work was not yet complete thus he jumped into the ring where some of his equipment were already lying around. "Now you most likely had already heard these lines plenty of times but LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! Your attention to me please~" now gaining the attention of everyone he didn't have to think twice about the act he wanted to do. He's not like the others who use their abilities in their acts, or is he a skillful animal tamer like Finn and Larkus but Toby had his own ways of performing. He pulled out another balloon but instead, this ones color was black. He blowed more air into this one than the other balloon till it was as big as his head. He placed it on the ground and suddenly hopped on one foot on top of the balloon which mysteriously didn't pop. This was because unlike the balloon he gave out earlier, this one had magical properties preventing it from being popped. This allowed Toby to bring out rubber balls from his sleeves and juggle them without fearing of losing his balance. After a full 10 minutes of him showing off his perfect balance by hopping from one foot to the other, he knew it was about time to bring it to an end so he purposely tripped with all the rubber balls landing on his head, which earned him the roar of laughter from the entire crowd except for the girl from the beginning of the act who looked concerned for him. He picked up his things and bowed before leaving the ring. He had a big smile on his face as if he was saying try and top that.