"[color=gray]Very well.[/color]" Aron said compliantly and dropped behind Alison. Rina was about to ask about the whole princess thing until she saw the look Libe gave her. After-all perhaps being a magical princess wasn't a description too far off, and whether or not there were unicorns here was also in question. Shrugging she fell in behind Aron marveling at the landscape, it was even nicer than her view at home. Her sightseeing was disturbed by the grating sound of earth moving, turning to face the source of the sound she Libe focusing intently on a pillar of earth. Well that was just dandy, it seemed Libe and Alison already had figured out how to use their magic and she still had no ideas. Aron could probably use magic as well. "Looks like you both have figured out your magic stuffs, guess that means if we get attacked we should be safe. That being I guess we head into the magical forest?" she questioned, at some point or other the would probably find something they would have to kill. Hopefully though they can find some sort of settlement first though, if those even existed here. Rina adjusted her glove nervously as she looked at the forest. Her best friend had the other glove, Rina would have to make sure the pair was reunited.