[b]Rin - Western Planet Bar[/b] [i]Well, no point in hesitating now,[/i] thought Rin as the silver haired girl walked towards her. [i]Maybe she's not as scary as she lo- hey, is that what I think it is?[/i] Downing the rest of her drink, she lept to her feet and focused intently on the glowing guantlet the silver haired girl was wearing. Sure, the Pipboy was the most immediately recognizable piece of equipment she had, but she'd recognize that glove anywhere. Her hands cupped the air around it, basking in the warm glow whilst trying not to actually directly touch it... "Is that...? It is, isn't it? It totally is! It has to be!" Suddenly remembering how much she hated the heat, she pulled her hands back and practically skipped on the spot in excitement. "That's a [color=FF8C00][b]SUPERHEATED SATURNITE POWER FIST[/b][/color], isn't it!? That's so cool! I've always thought the [color=FF8C00][b]SUPERHEATED SATURNITE POWER FIST[/b][/color] was really awesome and here's one in the flesh and... Well, not exactly the flesh, more the metal and glowy hot heat stuff but still! That's really, really, really cool!" Maybe she was overreacting just a little, but she couldn't help it. Whenever she ran into something like this, something that she thought she'd never see for real back on Earth, she couldn't help but suddenly descend into giggling fangirl mode. "Ah, um, sorry, um, got a bit carried away, eheh, um..." Holding out a hand expectantly, she practically beamed at the girl with the glowy heat fist. "I'm Rin! Nice to meet you!"