[center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/971/7501659cb565077f036d479fd5ed551ec93a7eb9.jpg[/img][hr][/center][b]Names:[/b] Sierra Barkley. Online, known as @Girls.Love. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Personality:[/b] Sierra is a creature of isolation, a girl who doesn't place too much value on her social interactions, or in her connection to the real world as a whole. She has always distrusted men, and cannot truly find herself comfortable in their presence, although she is able to at least function as a human being around them. When it comes to social interactions, especially with men, she is extremely short-tempered. She has a great weakness for cute girls, who are usually the only people who can crack her out of her anti-social shell, even if only temporarily. Her need for closeness, as well as an intense, sexual thirst motivate her interactions with members of the same sex. This can, at times, make her seem a little bit perverted [i](probably because she is)[/i], but she can usually manage to keep these impulses within tolerable levels. She is prone to carrying grudges for long periods of time, and slights easily, although she might not show it. As a whole, she may seem quite calm on the outside, but she is very vulnerable to the strength of her emotions and her general disconnection with reality. She places much less value on the rules of the real world than most do, and this can make her seem almost malicious to those who don't understand her twisted mentality. She often zones out or daydreams, sinking into her world of delusions whenever things get too troublesome. She really likes mystery-themed stories, but she honestly was never really that into the genre as a whole. [b]Occupation:[/b] NEET [b]Biography:[/b] [hider=For your convenience]Much of Sierra's early childhood consisted of day-to-day tedium, and nightly pain, blood and suffering beyond what her young mind could handle. The only defense she could manage against it all was to pull inwards, and surround herself in imagination to protect her from reality. Even after the pain stopped, and the person who had caused her all of it had left, some part of her never did leave her shell. It stayed behind, in a world where the only company was delusions, and wishes. This is what the word "Memories" meant to her. Her salvation came from the screen. First, it was a television screen, but later on, once she got older, it came from the Computer screen. That was where she spent most of her life, and going into her teenage and adult years, it pretty much WAS her life. School was always a sideshow with her, a place where she would attend, just to fill the time between the nights spent playing games and the afternoons spent chatting with her friends. Her father left home for good. Sierra dropped out of school, and entered a lifestyle wherein she engaged in virtually no real-life social interaction. There were times when her mother, the meek creature that she was, tried to get her to go back to school or leave the house to hang out with her friends. Online imageboards and forums became her home. It never really worked, so eventually, she gave up trying. At some point, she discovered a certain brand of foreign culture. This opened up a whole new world for her, as well as making her more aware of her sexuality, as she discovered a wide range of concepts that she had never even considered when consuming her culture's media. At around this time, she began to have an online relationship with a girl she had been friends with since sixth grade. Her mother started to bring men into the house. When this began to become the norm, Sierra was slowly being driven back into a state of torment, as she found she was unable to sit peacefully while there were males in the house, so close to her only sanctuary. At about this point, she met a certain guy on the internet, and had been speaking to him for a while. Their relationship was not truly friendly, but the guy was desperate for his affection, and she found it pleased her to torture him emotionally. One of the men who was dating her mother made an approach on her. This drove Sierra over the edge. She does some research, and finds the workplace of a guy that she used to go to school with. She approaches him, and the two of them go on a date. He is drugged, and killed. Sierra is content. From this point on, whenever Sierra was starting to feel like she was going to break, she did this again. She was smart enough not to be caught, at least in the few times she actually went through with it, although is is possible that she may have eventually been found out in the long-term. This is the end state of the life of a girl who hated men, and shunned reality. I-Is this edgy enough for you?[/hider] [b]Skills:[/b][hider=For your convenience]-Acting [i]Not a skill for putting on theater productions or being a T.V. Actress, but rather, one for changing one's persona and outward appearance to match their situation and needs. Developed for the sake of avoiding social conflicts and easing the attention of authority figures and peers.[/i] -Computering [i]The series of techniques and knowledge reservoirs required to adequately surf the web and manage a blog or similar construct. At this level, one could be called a master of all varieties of internet culture, although some degree of sanity is lost. Any meme can be recited without fail.[/i] -"I can see the ending!" [i]A particular set of skills gained through the owner's devotion to games, visual novels, manga and the like. As long as parallels can be drawn between real-life scenarios and these fictional mediums, a certain degree of higher-level reasoning, analysis and prediction can be preformed, the accuracy of which varies greatly. Information from popular and obscure media relating to her interests can be recalled at random. May result in the user unintentionally spouting quotes from their favourite visual novels.[/i] -Murder [i]Skills required for executing a successful murder through means of drugging, kidnapping and executing victims without resistance. Not truly polished, like that of a practiced assassin or serial killer, but compared to a salaryman the skill is at least noticeable. Doesn't include any sort of combat skill or affinity for advanced stealth, infiltration or assassination.[/i] -Movement [i]She can move through the world in the most basic of fashions. This includes swimming, rudimentary climbing, bike riding, driving, basic running, tactical evasive rolls, jumping short distances and doing cartwheels, handstands and somersaults.[/i] -Fast Learning [i]A skill for perceiving one's surroundings, comprehending incoming information and organizing it internally, in such a manner that understanding new concepts and formulating ideas and decisions around those concepts becomes much easier.[/i] -High School Education [i]Extending to the equivalent of "Eleventh Grade", and including subjects such as Mathematics, Language and Science. She wasn't a good enough student to remember most of it, but if she tried, she could probably manage an equation or two.[/i][/hider]