[@Mugin] [@2b3heart] Layla nodded, so he was a year younger than her. [color=bc8dbf]"My time off? Unfortunately I spent most of it getting caught up on muggle school, my schooling never ends actually, it's kind of annoying but I live with it. And yours?"[/color] She had just finished talking when a female entered asking to pet Aleksandr's panda, she introduced herself afterward. Geez Layla wasn't used to being around anybody younger than her. Usually she was around people older than she was. She had just finished her thought when another female Layla slightly recognized tapped on the door, asking if she could sit with them. [color=bc8dbf]"I don't mind, do you?"[/color] Her question was directed toward Aleksandr, wanting to make sure he was okay with another person sitting with them.