[h3]Darius [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2798916]→[/url][/h3] Darius watched Grant fumble around in his pocket for nothing. [i]Smoker.[/i] The teen expected that kind of habit from someone in business or law, a description that Grant definitely fit by the looks of the fancy clothes. Darius looked Grant over a little more, a man that didn't look too shabby. Definitely handsome despite the mode of dress being inappropriate for the occasion. Reminded Darius of an American tourist packed for a developed country like a safari expert. Well, it might not turn out so bad. The idea of Grant fighting monsters in a suit was a little entertaining, but an outfit meant to look professional and attractive really didn't [i]suit[/i] the battle scene. The boy chuckled to himself, and then Grant finally spoke after a few moments in thought. He'd said, "We should see if... John? Yeah, I think that's right. We should see if John is alive. Maybe he's a doctor or scientist - he could know something about this place." John... Darius stared at the unconscious man who was on the ground and wearing a labcoat. He felt uneasy about that idea, but he offered it a little more thought to humor Grant. Finally Darius developed an opinion. [b]"I'm not so sure. He seems a little... uh... unstable. Y'know..."[/b] He paused for a short few seconds to gather his words. [b]"John might be a little... apathetic. Or two-faced. He seems a little headstrong."[/b] Yeah, so Darius wasn't the most articulate person in the world, but he made it clear to Grant that the teen didn't really trust John for whatever reason, maybe the brash charge out of the shrine or the general lack of appeal of big business. In agreement with Grant's proposal to break the ice, however, Darius did supply a matter-of-fact 'Yeah' and a casual nod. The lawyer held out his hand, and Darius gripped it softly with his own, shaking Grant's hand slowly. [b]"It's nice to meet you. My name's, um, Darius. Darius Sterling."[/b] He released Grant's hand after what he felt was an acceptable amount of time, his hand trembling from a little anxiety. [b]"So, uh, do we just tell each other about ourselves? Should we do the walk-and-talk?"[/b]