[h2][color=darkviolet]Niall Christianson[/color][/h2] [h1][color=darkviolet]Comet Dormitory[/color][/h1] Niall paced around his room, it was near enough to the full moon that he could already begin to feel the pull of the moon on his body. It was an odd sort of feeling to try and describe to a human or really anyone who wasn't a Lycan, a push from the inside and a restlessness. It always began as a soft vibration, a sort of warm feeling like when you get into a hot shower after being out in the cold. He wanted to shift badly to ease the pull but there was no time, especially when his roommate was do to arrive any moment. His need to shift was only pushed back by the need to meet the girl who was to be his match this school year. Last year had been a complete bust. The girl who he has been his match the year before he had not even bothered showing his secondary form to. She would have run screaming at the first sign of him. Another closed minded human. She had called him a beast only two months in. Niall chuckled mentally, 'If only she knew.' he recalled thinking when she had said that. He had seriously considered scaring her but that was frowned upon by his pack. There was no need to frighten humans, especially when pack numbers were as low and national population was as low as it was. His pack had lost nearly twenty members or so since his birth alone. Some to the few hunters that were left among the humans and others to fights and old age. His father was one of the last elders of his generation and since he had decided that it was time for new blood and a new alpha to take his place the press was on for Niall to find a mate. Lycans always breed true, the genes that produce the ability to shift and heal at advanced rates are always dominate over the human half of a mix species couple. Human women didn't always fair as well as lycan women with the pregnancy and birth of the pups but it was really all in the management. Practices and lycan doctors had come a long way in the last several decades. The issue that was most common was broken ribs, the pups were strong enough even in the womb to break ribs if they kicked to hard. That was why Niall or another wolf would always be with the human female, because they could control the form the pups took and soothe them enough to keep them relatively still. With his mind brought back to the present Niall let just a little of his wolf out to ease the pull. His warm eyes shifting to a deadly yellow set, the stubble on his face growing a little thicker, and his canines lengthened slightly. Not a dead give away but enough to give someone an uneasy feeling if they got within his personal space.