Ashburn ________________________________ As Ash's sobs became weaker he turned to look back at Eric. He felt horrible for scaring his friend, but every time he tried to talk his torn open lung bled harder so he was forced to settle for a painfully sorrowful look. Mabel's cussing soon interrupted his thoughts, as she opened the metal door behind Eric. She was holding what appeared to be three chocolate milkshakes in her left arm and was holding the doorknob with her right. She did not look happy. "What the bloody h*ll Ashburn!" She shrieked "For somebody with a puncture wound in his lung you sure as h*ll know how to make a racket!" Ash tried to retort but again found his broken lung to be uncooperative after the strain of his sobbing fit. So he just glared at her, seeing as how she was clearly their captor. "Oh don't give me that look you little sh*t" She replied to his look. With a sigh she said, more softly "Well I guess I can't blame you." Mabel set the shakes on a metal table and leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "I guess I owe all of you an explanation." she sighed "This won't be easy to hear but you all know I am not a liar." Looking up at the ceiling she began "There are things in this world that live in the shadows. Things that are so powerful they were hunted by early men out of fear, because they can bring an end to civilization without seemingly any effort. They are called many things; creatures of the night, devils, monsters and more. Many religions blame them solely for all evil in the world. For this reason they hide. They hide so they may know peace, and let mankind believe them dead. "They call themselves demons in English speaking countries, as they have no name of their own. They take many forms, from those who look beautiful to forms that give nightmares to mortals. They are very real and all have a real effect of the world. However mortals have gotten them wrong; most of them are good and kind, though a few are bad." She turned to look Ash and Eric in the eyes "Take this words well because you and I are these creatures. We are the creatures of the shadows. Your sickness in life has been caused by your demonic soul fighting your human bodies, and the mark you now bare has unsealed your soul and will allow it to keep you alive. You should all be dead, but your demon soul (the very sore of your being) is keeping you alive. Even now it is changing your bodies to your true forms." She turned to the metal table, and put the shakes back into her left arm "I know this is hard to believe but I am also a demon. I know you will require proof but for now all I can offer is this" at the end of her sentence she hit the table in the middle with her bare arm, her strength splitting the table into two "You three will also have this power once you are done, but for now you must eat." She then set one milkshake beside each boy and put a straw in their mouth. Though once she got to Zack she frowned "Looks like dish jockey here is in a coma. Well that's one less kid to entertain" She said. She set his shake on the floor (as there were now no tables) and went back out the door for a moment, coming back in with an IV stand and an empty bag. She dumped the milkshake into the bag and stuck the IV needle into poor Zack's abdomen (presumably the stomach) and left it. Ash winced in pain at the sight, not just the IV but the smashed remains of Zack's face. "I'll leave you alone to process what I told you, but no more crying Ash. You aren't a baby so grow a pair and man up." She said as she left, closing and locking the metal door behind her _________________ Time Jump (One Week) _________________ At first Ash had doubted Mabel fully. She had to be crazy. There was no way demons were real, much less that he was one of them. But as the week progressed his doubt had begun eroding away. His body was healing amazingly fast, especially since Mabel had done nothing more than stuff milkshakes and blended grilled cheese down their throats all week (6 times a day). He could feel his lungs sealing and by the end of three days he had even better use of them than he had for years. His arm was taking more time to heal, but even as he lay on his cot he could feel his broken bones snapping and popping back into place. He had watched for days as his protruding bone was literally sucked back into his arm and the wound closed. His resistance to the idea was almost gone. Ash turned to Eric and ventured a smile and spoke for the first time all week "Eric? Are you feeling ok? I'm worried about you" he paused and averted his eyes "and what do you think about what Mrs. Mabel said?" Could he really be a demon?