Name: Malachite Race: Orc Age: 22 Class: barbarian Description: she is tall a muscular, her hair is very long, red, and moved all over to one side, she has broad hips, and a thigh gap. Her armor is made of bone and fur, covering her wrists, her ankles, and her neck, otherwise her lady bits are covered with a fur breast cover and a loincloth. Her tucks arent incredibly big, but they are larger then most females. Biography: Since a young age she loved to bash things, her siblings, the bugs, animals, other orcs, anything she can hit she loved to test how hard she could hit it. As time went on, she got bored and left her tribe to find her own calling, thinking she was too strong for her tribe, and not wanting to be the next chiefs wife. She traveled most of the land near her home, and fought anything she could, killing other stronger enemies to increase her own battle skills, and to someday be strong enough to make her own tribe. Skills: Orc rage, incredible strength. Equipment: fur undergarments, and a massive chunk of iron, leather wrapped around one end as place of a handle, this was originally a stone club but after years of use it showed it was filled with iron. Otherwise, she has rations and dried meat in a leather sack, and a small cask of water, as well as a large fur cloak with to protect from extreme cold.