Okay kiddos, to help with the problem of peeps feeling they've run out of ideas, or written themselves into corner's, I present to you...Nyxvira! [hider=Nyx] [b]Name/Nicknames:[/b] Nyxvira Bloodbloom (Nyx) [b]Race:[/b] Faerie [b]Age: [/b]117 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img] http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo276/metalsonic2nd/bd734693-4cd5-4a0e-8a77-8b03226ffd8e_zpsvsatp3ji.png [/img] Nyxvira is a squat and thickset young Faerie, with blotchy pale skin and a corpulent form. Even for someone of her age she is short, which only serves to accentuate her weighty build. She has a giant waist, very broad hips, and meaty legs; with her thighs brushing together. A huge gut protrudes from beneath her clothes; a great white boulder that juts out in front of her, with faint stretch-marks criss-crossing around its edges. Her hair is a dry auburn, flecked with strands of bright red, and has been cut short, falling down around her shoulders. While she has noticeably chunky arms, which is due to a mixture of both fat and muscle. Nyx possessing great deal more upper-body strength than one would commonly attribute to a faerie girl. Her legs are thick with muscle from supporting her full-figure, with a dense layer of fat adding some extra padding to them. She has a round face, with a noticeable second chin, and the beginnings on a third. Bright orange freckles are scattered across her likeness, her nose is broad, and she had close-set sparkling gold eyes. She has a plump mouth, with full dark red lips. Ethereal yellow wings, streaked with faint golden lights, protrude from her back; great incorporeal appendages that flitter in and out of existence, adorned with ornate swirls and patterns, which phase into being at her bidding. [b]Personality:[/b] A self-aware narcissist, Nyxvira cares about one thing, and one thing only; herself. Whilst not completely sadistic, Nyx does draw a slight sense of satisfaction from the suffering of others, and delights in meddling in affairs that aren’t her own. A survivalist at heart, Nyxvira is good at adapting to hazardous situations, and is able to keep a cool head in the face of danger. Delighting in causing mischief, as most Faeries do, Nyxvira is right at home in Santa Somabra, where misery and malice are as much a part of the city as the grimy roads and streets. [b]Bio: [/b] Nyxvira grew up in her family’s ancestral grove in the county of Surrey in England, and lived her first years completely separated from outside influence, dwelling solely within Faerie society. Out of her six siblings, the gift of magic was most present in Nyx, and so she was made Matriarch of the House of Bloodbloom, and given dominance over her family’s grove and the other faeries within it. Once she was an acceptable age, Nyxvira received some tutelage within the primarily human outside world, and began attending various classes. Initially, Nyxvira was tormented for her weight and narcissistic personality, cast out by the other children, but through a mixture of flaunting her prominent status, arcane charms, and intimidation, Nyxvira managed to work her way the social hierarchy; asserting herself as one of the dominant bullies and manipulators in her school. Throughout her time in school Nyxvira would lure off unsuspecting children and painfully metamorphosize them into Hobb servants for her household. Several police investigations were launched into the House of Bloodbloom, but no concrete evidence was ever found. Whether this was due to careful planning on the arrogant Faeries part, of a hesitance by authorities to spark an incident with notoriously powerful faeries is unknown. For a period in time Nyxvira was the resident drug dealer at her school; using Hobbs to transport her wares back and forth, until she grew bored of her primarily human clientèle. Disgusted by her francizing with humans, and the poor manner by which their sister mistreated them, the other children of the house of Bloodbloom eventually rose up against Nyxvira, casting out her and her Hobb thralls, and assuming control of the family grove for themselves. Nyxvira moved from country to country, soaking up a great many languages and cultures; spreading mischief and discord as she went, constantly being chased out by furious communities. Overtime, Nyxvira honed her criminal arts, eventually building up a large network of contacts within the nefarious underworld. By the time Nyxvira arrived in Santa Somabra, she had built herself a thriving gang of zealously loyal Hobb thralls; ready to tend to her every whim. Moving into Chinatown, Nyxvira and her Hobbs launched a vicious gang war with the local tong, eventually culminating with Nyx assuming control of Chinatown, via a mixture of sending her Hobbs on deadly suicide missions, and cleverly manipulating the local population with a mixture of skulduggery and smoke and mirrors tactics. Nyx began running smuggling operations out of Chinatown, as well as offering mercenary work for up-and-coming hired guns. Nyxvira’s gang endured throughout both world wars, thriving off of prohibition, and in the modern day the Bloodbloom Syndicate has grown into a force to be reckoned with; having enveloped several smaller gangs into its vast expanse. [b]Other:[/b] Faeries are universally feared and mistrusted for their wicked ways, but also held up as diety-like beings by some, more superstitious cultures, which is something Nyxvira uses to her utmost advantage. [/hider] If anyone's lacking ideas, wants something for their character to do for a short while, or just fancies abit of collabing, then simply stop by Chinatown, and our resident Faerie crimelady will have some work available, based off of your character's speciality.