An marveled as the jackrabbit managed to effect a rolling maneuver that lifted him to his feet, abet leaving him sucking in air. It didn’t matter, the fight would be over, it would end. He was now within striking distance, a second goes quickly, a single heartbeat takes place in a second. It had taken a second to roll over then stand. An had begun moving while the man was on the ground, before he even stood up. A single heartbeat is all An needed to finish this fight. As the man rolled over onto his feet, An had already formulated his plan. When Johnny stood up it was all An needed to end this. Already within range, twenty feet, two seconds, two heartbeats. An launched himself into a superman punch, his right leg kicked up and then back as the left launched An into the air. His fist shooting out towards the top of Johnny’s head, it would come crashing down with incredible force. An had focused micro pockets of gravity around his fist, and just a hair from striking Johnny’s head he unleashed the gravity into a tightly focused jackhammer. 5,780 lbs. of force would strike down atop of Johnny’s head. An had to admit he was unsure of the man’s physiology, unsure if this man was even human. But he had a neck and that neck had to withstand over two tons of force crashing down on the head perched on that neck. The force should travel from the skull, most likely causing multiple fractures from the immense pressure exerted on it. Then it would affect the neck, compressing the neck bones that supported the head,could Jackrabbit withstand it? A highly unlikely proposition, but then An had seen the impossible happen before. Medical textbooks taught it as Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (Spinal Cord Compression), because the neck is so flexible and because it supports the head, it is extremely vulnerable to injury. The superman punch, with the focused gravity pocket, was to cause severe neck injuries with a fracture or dislocation of the neck that might damage Johnny’s spinal cord and cause paralysis. That was the intent. An wanted to end this fight, and this seemed to be the fastest, most efficient and humane way to do so. All that remained to was to see how the man withstood the blow. If he was unscathed, uninjured, unhurt by the coup de grâce then An would have to admit that he would be unable to defeat the man. Jackrabbit would have withstood a deathblow, he would have withstood An’s best shot.