Lyrian sitting atop a pile of boxes clapped quietly. "What sorcery was that hmmmmm...." wondered Lyrian, "....its like the music is...." he snapped his fingers shouting "Aha!!!" the startled people below him looked up at him with unusual stares. "What you never seen an elf on top of a pile of boxes?" one man replied "Yeah, just not one so short." Lyrian glared at him. Leaping down he purposefully almost landed on the two. "Hey watch it stubby!!" Lyrian turns slowly stares right at him. "Call me 'stubby'.... one more time...". The man looked confused but replied "Ok, STUBBY!" he recoiled in pain as he suddenly realized there was a boot firmly placed right between his 'Crown Jewels'. "Why?! You told me to call you 'stubby'?!?!" Lyrian now eye to eye with the man "It was a rhetorical cyclic statement or as lower intelligence such as yourself call it... a loaded remark.". "Ok... *whimpers* Sorry..." noticing his sincerity Lyrian feels terrible for kicking him. "Sorry for emasculating you." confused the man asks whats "Emas..que...lating?" Lyrian facepalms "It means sorry for kicking you in the manhood." Lyrian scurried to get a closer look, this time he was a little more polite. He tried as hard as he could to fight the crowd but he was getting swarmed by the mass of people.