[h1][center] Crescent Dorm Room: Magdaline[/center][/h1] Finally painting one half of the wall, she decided to take a break. After about 10 minutes of resting and snacking she heard knocking outside her door, she was nervous and dreading having to open the door and see her roommate. Not that she wasn't happy to meet someone new but, that maybe the person wouldn't like her, that whoever was outside the door would talk to her an immediately dislike her. And the rest of her short years at this College would be miserable! But, she shook the idea of all the possible wrongs that could happen, and mustard some courage while opening the door. She looked at the girl, she was shorter than her. But, from the looks of all that luggage she was carrying, she must be strong. She decided to help with her things, walking outside and grabbing anything to help move her in. She couldn't say anything, she was too nervous, over-thinking the situation like always. She didn't want her think she was weird but, that ship has probably already sailed.She wanted to greet her and make her feel comfortable but she just kept walking with her things, placing them near her bed.