[color=f7941d][h1]Rebecca Callaghan[/h1] [h3]Eclipse Dorms[/h3][/color] Today was a big day for Rebecca and she'd been up pretty much from the crack of dawn. Her morning had been taken up with the move, though most of the time had been spent on her books. She didn't own much in the way of clothes and personal belongings, a few outfits and family photos. The majority of her space was taken up by books and transporting them all from her old dorm room to the new one was quite a chore. The Eclipse dorm room was surprisingly big, more of a suite, and she easily found a place for all of her things. Once she had set up all of her things, she took a quick tour of the dorm room before checking her watch. She figured that Max would be showing up soon, and she decided to kick off their co-habitation on a positive note by preparing something nice to eat. After a quick trip to pick up some groceries for their kitchen, she strapped on her apron and fished out a couple of choice cook books from her collection. She decided on something simple and began working on a nice pork fillet stir fry. Before long the delicious smell of cooking food filled the room. She was almost done cooking when she heard the thudding knock from the door and Max's voice. She wiped her hands on her apron and hurried to the door, opening it for him and stepping to the side to let him in with his boxes. [color=f7941d]"Hi Max."[/color] she said a little awkwardly, not entirely sure on how she should greet him. [color=f7941d]"Umm... I'm just finishing up something to eat if you're hungry. Oh!"[/color] She suddenly remembered the boxes in his arms. [color=f7941d]"If you want to put those down in the bedroom, it's through there."[/color] She directed him the right way. [color=f7941d]"Do you need a hand?"[/color] [@karamonnom]