Ailen sighed and nodded. "I would like to hope that the mines were the target but I dont know.... Perhaps both were. The mines being the main target,.... Silvia just being Collateral.... But why would the mines be targeted?.... GTC is only on this planet because of the mines right?... Why else come to a dying planet. So who would gain at blowing it up..." He then shrugged. "Alright,.... Lets take that avenue,... I mean we still have to find those responsible. Whether she was the target or not. Terrorism has occurred here no matter how you look at it. If only all our cameras were up... The clues would likely be in those spots..... Perhaps I just need to sit down and relax." He said...... He sat down and looked towards Craig sitting down next to the Twins. Maybe they had nothing to do with it. They could be playing with the idea that he hates them. Well not hate,... Just dislikes. He looked over at his desk and saw the pendant he was working on. He then got up and moved over to it and grabbed it and the tools and proceeded out. "Going to go relieve Craig. Maybe he will find something ,or not.... I dont care anymore. Whoever planned it out planned it good." He said. Plus his paranoia just got him in a hole. Oh well whats been done is done. He took the elevator down and began to think of the whole situation. Why did I become security again?.... Once he got to the commissary. He approached. "Alright ladies lets head back to the Mor. Hope the soup was good. Prefer the instant stuff really. Then again I can't cook worth shit so maybe thats my problem." He might as well do the job he was given. He wanted to help out more then just watch the twins. Maybe they wanted this. Knowing how he disliked them. Perhaps they preyed on it and they wanted him gone so used his weaknesses so he would do something stupid and get himself transferred. Well plan worked. One less person to worry about. He sighed as the depression kicked in. " I need a psychiatrist...... Maybe this arm isnt doing its job and I am going mad." He mumbled the last parts. Back at the mines. The moment Karras was set he moved in until suddenly a strange urge came over him. He then moved to the side of the vent and threw up a bit. Damn,... How do the talents not want to throw up after that. Then again maybe they did and just swallowed it. He began to move within the vents going deeper and deeper. He did not like this place. It gave him a bad feeling. Why did this shit have to happen. Why now,... Things were just now getting better. Now this.... It seems as if it aint one thing it's another. He drew out his sword for comfort more then to use. He just told himself not to swing at the first thing he saw. Silvia was the only life sign though.... So why did it give him the creeps. It was the crystals,... It had to be.