Slamming the button hard with her fist the yellow floor lights came on. As soon as the crew noticed the lighting, cheering and yelling came from the floor. [color=6ecff6]"Docking bay is secure. All personnel to leave the area immediately[/color]." More cheers came from the floor as the rush was over it was a mad dash to the local watering hole. For Ashala she would spend the next few hours finishing reports and notifying captains they would have to wait for tomorrow. Putting her hands behind her head when that was all done she looked at the dock. It was quiet. She never liked it quiet. She decided to have a look at the mornings progress for herself. The dock chief did this the usual way by jumping and climbing over the freight. This was also a good warm up before going to the gym and feeding her muscles. After the inspection Ashala stopped by her room to change for the gym. Ashala removed her jump suit and wore her gym clothes. These were baggy shorts and a sports top. She also took a symbol of her ancestry for inspiration. At the gym she started with some cardio to increase her heart rate. She did laps on the track as the chief picked up speed her method shifted to a quadruped. This went on for an hour then came the weights. Ashala would always push herself until she could barely stand. The Altenian would continue until her arms were so sore it hurt to make a fist, until her abs hurt to breath. Then she would jog back to her room for a very rewarding soak in the bath. Never understanding the need for bubbles she would lounge in the tub relaxing to the very warm water. Her hair unbraided and loose around her. This was the best reward for her. The other rough necks were no doubt having a few drinks to their good fortune of an early day. They would be slower tomorrow. Quietly the Altenian rested in the water closed eyes, listening to her heart rhythm she complimented the sound with her own soft purr.