[b]Kanros and Sauranath[/b] Kanros nodded at the Great Dragon Lord. [@ActRaiserTheReturned] "I am already in pursuit of an enemy of mine," He explained as he gestured for the Lord Dragon to follow him. "He is a warrior as I am except a coward but he very good with the sword he has no name but to me he is called 'The Bloody Blade' because he loves to kill his ilk meaning the mortal people of the world and I pursue him to bring justice to him for his deeds" Kanros told Sauranath who listened to his explanation and Kanros had his blade at the ready and his shield in the other hand as they walked along, as they did Kanros explained about 'The Bloody Blade'. "He is a murderer and a fool of a mortal although a very skilled swordsman and fighter but he has killed too many in unlawful and unkindly ways and I can not take it anymore!" And as Kanros finished speaking he motioned for the Dragon to stop. As they rounded a large boulder where he could see a fire and a large man sitting cleaning a large sword wearing hide and a loin cloth he was shattered with blood and a few dead bodies of a pair of mortals who probably had been staying in the area. "That is him!" He whispered to Sauranath. The man stood up and walked over to a small pile of wood which he carried around usually, threw a couple more logs into the fire and then he looked over at the two bodies with his cold stare a smile forming around his lips as his gaze switched to his blade. Kanros was disgusted by 'The Bloody Blade' who, he had been hunting for several days and now he had him, so Kanros jumped out and surprised the man who's blade lay across the fire from him. "Damned be you Kanros!" He screamed at Kanros looking around for a place to run but Kanros had cornered him. "You will be the murderer now Kanros killing a man who is unarmed and defenceless dieing a cowards death!" He cowered in the shadow on Kanros who realized what the mortal meant if he did kill the man he would just be another murderer, Kanros sheathed his sword and picked up the mans large sword which to Kanros was as light as a log to him and he threw it across the fire to the man. "You shall fight and die like a man then Bloody Blade!" And the cowering man soon stood up and he picked up his sword then got into a fighting stance. Kanros lunged through the fire at him, the man swung his sword just missing Kanros as he ducked and Kanros bashed the Bloody Blade in the chest with his shield forcing him backward but Bloody Blade thrusted the hilt of his sword at Kanros's throat which was deflected by Kamros's shield. Kanros bashed Bloody Blade again with his shield and he heard the mans ribs begin to crack but not break his mouth started dribbling with a bit of blood. And they spared and fought for long hours and the battle became epic until finally when Kanros struck the man with a blow to the rib cage with the hilt of his sword. "You die for your sins murderer!" Kanros screamed into the mans face staring into his eyes that were now welling up with tears, Kanros almost felt bad and he heard a faint whisper as the man said a few words. "I never wanted to be this way..." The man wheezed and coughed blood as he slumped to the ground tears dripping down his face. "I had a family until they were killed..." His breathing became more and more ragged with each breath and he coughed more blood. "It was out of grief and anger that I killed..." His heart beat began to slow and his words became infrequent. "I want to be with my family and my love strike me down please put me out of my misery and shame for I have done wrong and deserve punishment..." Kanros shook his head as the man looked at him and he knew the man told the truth because he had told Kanros part of this story long long ago, a small tear ran down Kanros's cheek as he stared at the dining man who looked at him with grief and agony. "Please Kanros don't let we die of my wounds let me die by the sword!" He grabbed Kanros's sword and directed it at his chest, Kanros looked at the man and said. "I understand now you killed for vengeance because you couldn't do anything else!" And as he said that the dieting man nodded in agreement and then said. "Now let me see my lovely children and wife" And with that Kanros thrusted his blade through the mans chest and the man died and in his final breath the man smiled and looked up into the sky a word forming at his lips but he couldn't say it because he had trouble the last tear ran down his face and it dropped to the ground. Kanros nodded and pulled his sword out of the mans chest and began to clean the blade. [@ActRaiserTheReturned] "Come out now Sauranath the deed is done" He said with struggle and Kanros understood the man he killed now for the man was seeking vengeance of his families killers but he ended up killing intent people and he became very ill with something.