[b][center]Deep In The Mines[/center][/b] Silvia kept fumbling around in the dark, stumbling from time to time and at one point falling as she tripped over a large rock in the middle of the cave. Grumbling she pushed herself up and spat out the dirt that went in her mouth. “Fucking hell,” she said as she wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve. Taking a deep breath she placed her hand back on the wall and continued on her way. Suddenly in the darkness she felt a warm firm surface against her hand about the same time she felt like someone had grabbed the top of her head. Her hand sliding down the surface, feeling the hills and valleys and suddenly she yanked her hand back as she heard someone spoke and it dawned on her she was feeling up a very masculine chest. She didn’t blush though; something in her didn’t cause embarrassment in her but a very different reaction as she realized who it was from the voice. “Jun’Krama?” she asked as she lifted her hand and placed it on his that was on her forehead before pulling it away slowly. “Banshee? I dunno, depends on how you see me,” she responded. “What the hell are you doing down here?” she said as she stood there, still not removing her hand from his. Her other hand lifted and began to glow; dimly at first and then brighter until they could at least see each other, trying not to blind him with the light. [b][center]Altenia Tower[/center][/b] [i]”It is going to take a lot more than that. Perhaps if you were more concerned about what mattered than giving some grand death speech you would get something done besides digging yourself a deeper hole,”[/i] Craig responded from his quarters as he kept going through the manifests of people on vacation and slowly trying to track each of them down. The Twins shook their head at Ailens reference as they sat back down in their chairs and looked around for a moment. “We wouldn’t know, we didn’t know your sister well. We don’t know if she would have liked her or not.” The then looked at each other before trying to access their crystals. “Why can’t we use our crystals?” they asked in unison as they both turned too looked back over to Ailen.