[b][center]Deep in the Mines[/center][/b] Silvia let go of his hand and perked a brow. “Funny, no they aren’t,” she said as she placed her hands to her face. Even with the chill in the air, Silvia was beginning to feel over heated. “Do you need healing?” she asked as she fanned herself somewhat with her non light projecting fingers. “Last thing you need is blood loss down here,” she said as she unzipped her Crystal Singer uniform and slid her arms out of it, revealing a sports bra underneath as she rolled it down and tied the arms around her waist. What was revealed was different than most would expect from a talent, especially one as small as Silvia. She was well toned underneath and definition. She was not bulky by any stretch of the imagination but it was obvious that she took care of more than just her mind unlike so many others of her ranking. Turning her attention back over to Jun’Krama she perked a brow. “Why would it be better if he was here? Honestly rather have someone down here with me that doesn’t have to worry about the side effects of the song and doesn’t go looney when dealing with me,” she said as she looked over at his leg. She saw the cut and perked a brow, it had stopped bleeding. That was odd, a wound like that should be bleeding still, especially with walking on it. “Fucking hell, why is it so damn hot in here,” she muttered to herself. She felt cold to the touch, like any would in the cold mine but for some reason she was feeling rather over heated, not something she was used to. “You know what; just hold still, I’ll heal you. Don’t worry I won’t tell. We don’t want that opening back up.” [b][center]The Mor Of Altenia Tower[/center][/b] The Twins looked at him oddly, very confused by his statement as both their heads tilted to the side at once. “What are you talking about?” they asked in unison. “Can you fix it, we need to be able to use them if something goes wrong.” [i]”Actually I am, I found two of our lower security members that are supposed to be on vacation but they never left the planet but I cannot find them anywhere in the Tower. Thing is they have never been assigned to the Twins or to Tristan. They are dock security. It doesn’t make sense,”[/i] Craig said to Ailen as he kept going over the information he pulled up on his screen.