[quote=@Lexicon] [@Vahir]Okay, so, I have a few questions. First, does Oromis have a symbol or insigni associated with him? Like a phoenix or two crossed swords or something? Also, since the ships being sent out are trying to be sneaky, I assume they aren't going to be flying Oromis' flag or anything, correct? [/quote] Oromis's personal sigil is his flaming sword, Reingunger, pointing down on a green banner. But yeah, you won't be flying that, given that the point is to seize the city without being detected. [quote=@Dblade26] I'm trying to figure out a post but other than complaining about/preparing for/already having prepared as a contingency in terms of the VASTLY reduced invasion timetable I'm not sure what to have Wolong DO. [/quote] You could be overseeing the boarding of the soldiers into the ships, inspecting the food supplies, or just chatting with other generals about the coming storm.