Karras rose a brow.... "Its not that hot to me.... Feels rather cool actually." He said then looked about. "You dont think it might be the crystals do you?" He did not know really. He was only guessing. Silvia was the expert. He watched as she went to heal his wound. Well this awkward. He looked around and wondered..... "Some of these parts are unexplored are they?.... Maybe there is something down here your reacting to.... " [b][u]the tower[/u][/b] Ailen shrugged at them. "Sorry can't they've been locked down so I cant do shit.... Besides T&C has been canceled what could go wrong that you would need your crystals?" He asked. They almost sounded worried. Why would they be worried. They know the T&C has been cancelled they where there when Craig gave the order. Very peculiar of them to act this way. They were very confused and perhaps that is all it was but it was just odd they would react this way. [i]Hey Craig,.... The twins are acting weird. Wanting me to fix the fact they cant use their crystals 'incase something went wrong'... I mean the Black Crystals are strictly there for T&C stuff and with them canceled what could go wrong that they would need it?.... Two security officers assigned to Bay 12 are some how involved but there is no reason for it. I expected some from the Mor. Well maybr Silvia isnt the target. What if the mine was?. What would they gain from it being out [/i] He didnt know either. It was all very odd and confusing. Perhaps they needed to take another route. Craig was on a roll and then a wall. That has been happening for awhile down here. [i]Perhaps you should try harder to locate them. They got to be somewhere,.... Then again a talent couldnt pull off the explosion in the mine because of the crystal. Maybe they are not here because they set it off?[/i] he asked. He was fresh of ideas.