[b][center]Deep In The Mines[/center][/b] Silva knelt down and placed her hands gently against his leg where the wound was, the light faded for a moment before it was replaced with a soft red glow that grew in intensity. He would feel a warmth from her hands and it would slowly spread through his body as the leg was healed. Slowly the light faded once again and was replaced with the darker hued glow she originally had lighting their way as she removed her hands. The cut was healed and no scar was visible. Rising she looked over towards him and nodded slightly. “There good at new, don’t worry our secret,” she said before looking around once again. “No, it isn’t the crystals. Too much of a hum could be dangerous to me but that would be a different feeling. This is something else,” she said before looking over to him. “Maybe I am allergic to you,” she said with a smirk. Turning back the way she came. “Well it is and it is not known what is back here. It’s a long story that I will tell you later if you ever trust me,” she said as she began to walk through the tunnels, increasing the light some so that he could see as well. “Oh and there are two more bodies down here,” she said as she continued to walk, trying to figure out where she had been and where she hadn’t but since she traveled in the dark before they found each other she was sure she was refollowing old footsteps. “So anyways. Why are you down here. I know you said my people sent you but I can hardly believe that you would come down here forced.” [b][center]Altenia Tower[/center][/b] [i]”You know the more and more I look through everything the less I am thinking it was the Twins. I am not saying they aren’t up to something but I don’t think they were involved with the mines, they aren’t exactly that type. I could see something happening devious in the tower but not something as clumsy as a cave in,”[/i] Craig answered as he continued to look over the files. [i]”But keep an eye on them and make sure those crystals don’t get accessed. I will let you know if I find anything else,”[/i] Craig said before he went quiet once again. “Craig, Lou here. Now the Jun’Krama is caught in the mine with Silvia. We have scans after a second cave in. They are alive and it seems they have found each other but other than that we are stuck on how to get them out. Entrance seemed to be about half way cleared out. If they can’t find another exit then it will be at least another four hours before we can get in. It’s too dangerous to try another vent shaft,” Lou said through the com. “Right, okay. Thanks for the update. If you find anyone else down there that doesn’t belong let me know. I have two security officers on vacation that never left the planet but we cannot locate them.” “On it Craig.” [i]”Ailen, Jun’Krama went into the mines. He is with Silvia now but there was another cave in and they are both trapped currently. But she is alive. Hopefully she will have answers. Right now it looks like it will be at least another four hours for extraction,”[/i] Craig said to Ailen to keep him up to date. Hopefully knowing she was at least alive still would keep his head clear. Though maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned who was in there with her. Too late now.