Eric _____________________________________ Eric listened as Mabel gave them their revelation. She had just told them that they would become demons. After she left so many questions swam through his mind; What would he become? Did his parents know? How would the adjustment be? So many questions and not enough answers, it is not like he could talk anyway. So he sat there in silence with Ash and Zachary's lifeless body. Something tugged on his heart when he heard the boy was in a coma, it was not like he knew Zachary for a long time but Eric felt that this experience brought them closer together. With his thoughts a mess he picked up his milkshake and drank it. [i]Vanilla, out of all the flavors why vanilla?![/i] _____________________ One Week Later _____________________ Eric didn't know what was going on with himself. He didn't know what to believe but something in Mabel's statement must have been true. His ribs started to heal over the next week and were no longer poking out side of his chest. The silence was killing him, Ash had not said anything to him the entire time, so Eric thought he just didn't have much to say. He still thought he could not speak, so they sat in silence most of the time not saying anything to each other, the only thing that could be heard was Zachary's heavy breathing. The whole time being down here, Mabel had been giving them milkshakes and Cheese Shakes (blended grilled cheese) as Eric had begun to call them. The woman had made it certain that Eric would never have another taste of Vanilla again or another grilled cheese sandwich in any form. His thoughts only go worse, so many what if's and he just wanted some answers to his condition. Eric was sitting up in his cot, it did not hurt to move anymore, when he saw Ash look at him with a smile for the first time in a long time. [i]"Eric? Are you feeling ok? I'm worried about you, and what do you think about what Mrs. Mabel said?"[/i] Eric was filled with joy, his only companion had spoken to him. He let out a sigh of relief and looked up at Ash. "" He said with a dry voice, not talking for a week had a affect on him. "Don't worry..about me..and I don't..know how to feel..about her." He said and then started to cough. Once he stopped he looked up at Ash and smiled. "How are you..feeling?" he asked, but his mind went back to Mabel. [i]The woman did split the thing in half, what if she was right? Then what did that make me and Ash? What would we become?[/i]