[centre][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/castletv/images/1/10/Alexis-S6-1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140907225920[/img][/centre] [b]Name:[/b] Rhiannon Jones [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] 5' 5" makes Rhiannon neither short nor tall for a woman of her age. The redhead ties her hair back in a ponytail at most times, letting the straightened locks free when she's on a downtime night out. Her frame is wiry but her muscles are toned and she looks like a serious athlete; a result of her endurance training. Her cheeks still hold a little roundness despite her physique, giving her smile a decidedly innocent appearance. [b]Personality:[/b] Serious and self-sacrificing in the midst of battles but outwardly cheerful and generous in peaceful times. She's very much a giving type, seemingly putting in a lot more effort into supporting others, physically and emotionally, than she does for herself. By no means does she neglect herself, however, and one of her key past times is the pursuit of romance both in the short and long term. [b]Motive:[/b] A desire to help those out of a life which she herself only narrowly escaped, preventing powerful and illegal organisations and gangs from forcing those unable to escape into a life of fear and anger towards those meant to protect them. [b]Ability:[/b] Strength. Most of the work done on Rhiannon was improving her muscles, adrenal glands, blood flow systems and bones so that she has the bodily structure capable of inflicting massive damage with physical attacks while not destroying her own body in the process. The downside is she uses up enormous amounts of energy when using her ability which can leave her exhausted for a good while. She is physically fit and eats an enormous amount of high energy food which both support her ability but nevertheless she cannot use it for extended periods of time. [b]Team:[/b] [b]History:[/b] Coming from a poor area in South Wales, UK, which featured criminal activity as its main attraction, Rhiannon had a grim childhood. Both her parents were killed in a robbery conducted when they pulled to a stop at red traffic lights with no chance of catching the killers. Rhiannon was only four at the time. She was separated from her two brothers as they were transferred to foster parents, the brothers both older than her and kept together due to their closeness in age. With no family willing to support them because of some feud she knew little about, Rhiannon lost contact with her siblings. Her foster parents showed little interest in her well being, both freely using objects in corporeal punishment which they exercises frequently even for minor transgressions. Eleven years passed with the young Welsh girl consistently in trouble with both the law, teachers and foster parents. She was arrested but not charged for under age drinking, consumption of illegal substances and not observing the minimum age of consent. Twice. Her situation at home meant she had no role models and no one to turn to for help and so she became incredibly isolated, forging a reputation as an unpredictable hot head who would lash out at any provocation. Then came the news about her brothers. Both dead, gang crime. After that there were no more arrests, her grades went straight up and she attended therapy sessions, mindfulness classes and martial arts courses to keep her temper in check. After two years of this reversal she was a completely changed person, socially popular at school and better able to manage her abusive foster parents. Still, the dangerous neighbourhood refused to let her go and came after her with a vengeance. Death threats, attempted assaults and a break in. When she was spotted as a candidate for the armed forces she accepted and immediately fled her hometown. It wasn't long before she was selected as a foreign relations officer and transferred to the States where she was put forward for the Guardian programme. [b]Extras:[/b]