Cassandra woke up with her head laid on a table in what was a chemistry classroom. She yawned and looked at her work. A tiny little vial laid on the table with liquid of a slightly greenish tint spilled around it. "Shit," she grumbled, "10 hours of work to spill on a shitty classroom table." She sighed and stood up. She stopped at the eye wash station on the way out and splashed a small amount of water onto her face to wash off the miniscule amount of smudged eyeliner off her eyelids. As she stood up, she reminded herself why she was here. "I was put in this shitty place to protect anyone from dealing with what my daughter dealt with. I am here to survive and help those I can. I..." she looked into the mirror as she recited, holding back tears. A single, rebellious drop trickled down her cheek before she wiped it away with the back of her hand, "...need to find out what's going on today." As she smoothed down her hair, she confidently strolled outside and to the gate. Upon seeing the bodies, her eyes widened. "Eli," she said softly as she approached, "are they in there?" Eli would know she was talking about her daughter, Rylan, and boyfriend, Chris. She fiddled with her bracelet as she spoke. She had shown him the pictures she kept on her phone, which was obsolite at this point. She had thrown it over the fence only a few days after the change, the apocalypse.