[h2][center]Nathaniel[/center][/h2] Watching the display of oddity he could help but feel his excitement growing. Magic seemed very real in this world, and Vestus himself even started to use it easily. [i]Fire... Maybe I should try a fireball.[/i] The idea was to create a classic application to magic, a simple sphere of fire. Holding his left wrist level in front of his face he closely watches his palm with his fingers curled slightly. Not knowing what to do, he just thought about having energy flowing towards his hand, before thinking about a small spark above this hand. When he did so, flames rushed from his palm to form a flowing yellowish-orange sphere of fire. Taken aback, he closed his hand, extinguishing the flame in a matter of milliseconds. Opening his hand hesitantly he did not see any marks even indicating his skin was on fire. Determined to try again, he held his hand in front of his face as he created the fireball yet again. It was relatively simplistic, the width of him palm. It gave off heat. Not an oppressive one but rather a warm feeling. His palm was generating the flames themselves that lead up to the sphere, before they somehow were drawn in. Seeing if it was possible to move his hand, whenever he tilted it the orb kept parallel with his hand until the point he pointed his palm down, which extinguished the flames. For the third fireball, he tried flexing his fingers, seeing if that would extinguish the flames or not. When he played them out, it increased the size of the orb, with curling fingers decreasing the size. [i]Is this our 'power'?[/i] Even more intrigued, a few moments of messing around and he realized he could change the size and heat just by concentrating on those aspects, also. [@Blackmist16] Wary of pushing himself too far when experimenting in case it went out of control, he instead returned to his simple fireball. Holding his hand towards Vestus, Nathaniel spoke in a interested and slightly excited tone. "Vestus. It seems we might actually share similar abilities."