Sayrin bowed once more before leaving his Emperor. "We shall make haste, my liege. If I am to fall in battle, know that I will be reborn to serve you again." His gruff voice vowed. With that, he left the Palace making haste towards a traveling merchant caravan that had stopped into town a few days before to restock. He soon caught up to the Blind Brother Vas, that was being asked a question from the one known as Sam. "This is going to be a long road, a few days ride with a caravan that has been paid from the royal coffers to take us with haste." He smiled as warmly as his demeanor allowed. "Now what I am going to tell you is what I've heard about these creatures from passing bard." He lowered his tone so only people that were near him would hear. "They come from the dark, they hide in shadow, they leave their mark, the earth becoming sallow. The blood runs cold, and the winds carry their cry, death comes untold, and men left to die. They walk with scythes, inhuman they scream, the living pay the tithes, an undertakers dream. Bound by no man, they steal his breath, faster than one can, they are the walkers of death." He finished the rhyme bards had sung to him. "Now I do not blame anyone who wishes to turn back, You will still have your life left and the honor that you hold. You will find no fault within the empire, nor with the gods. These are unholy creatures, that no one has seen the ilk of in the existence of this world. But I will be honored to stay by each and everyone one of you until my final breath. The gods compel me to rid the lands of this foul atrocity and I will not fail." _______ ~GM SPOT FOR AFTER CONVERSATIONS TO KEEP STORY PROGRESSING~ Once the group had finished talking and getting to their destination of the caravan they were met by a large dwarf, his beard a deep brown and almost to his knees. "Well, wot can I do ya fer?" His voice surprisingly high for their kind, "I dun suppose ya are the band'a fools that plan on goin' to Paron are ya?" He shook his head quickly, "Why'm even askin' obviously ya are, clad up in ya metal armor thinkin' it will keep ya safe. Ya all are fools, daft ya hear me? Those claws'll rip that plate like it is a hot knife through cold butter!" He climbed aboard his wagon sitting down in what seemed to be a plush area. "Come aboard ya all are ridin' with Doric. No complaints, ya all can fit here." _______ The woman in the brothel quickly ran to the room that Tobias was staying at, "You didn't get your summons!" She then handed him a small rolled up parchment, inside contained the words: "By the order of Emperor Eyrin you are tasked to join an expedition to Paron, the group of adventures will be leaving within the day. Catch the caravan run by Doric. You will be paid handsomely for your assistance, and ask your compatriots what the task is, for it is too important to be written on this document should it fall into the wrong hands. Signed Marzio Caldwell, scribe of Emperor Eyrin." The royal seal was pressed in wax next to the signature. The woman ushered him out, "You must be quick, Doric doesn't stay long in town!" ______