[center] [h3][color=BA55D3]Suki[/color][/h3] [b]Name Meaning:[/b] [color=BA55D3]"Beloved"[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=BA55D3]3 Months ([i]12 Weeks[/i])[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=BA55D3]Female[/color] [b]Breed:[/b] [color=BA55D3]Gray Wolf[/color] [hr] [hider= Appearance:] [img]http://www.danrichard.com/postimages/blog_rosebud.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=BA55D3]Affectionate, Playful, Silly, Unco-ordinated and Still Young, Suki enjoys everything about being a pup, she enjoys sneaking up and pouncing on unsuspecting adults and will quickly flop over for a nap if she is too drained of energy. Suki highly dislikes moving long distances and will sit or lay down until carried except maybe if the adults keep moving and threaten to leave her behind ... then she quickly bounds after them.[/color] [hr] [b]History:[/b] [color=BA55D3]Suki was abandoned recently, her pack moving quickly when humans moved nearer leaving her tucked in a den under a tree's base to fend for herself at 9 weeks old. She had been found at 11 weeks by [color=DDA0DD]Aiyana[/color] who has taken her to the Rendezvous site of her miniature formed pack. In this new area, Suki was introduced to two larger brutes, one who was close to [color=DDA0DD]Aiyana[/color], a sibling called [color=87CEFA]Okami[/color], the other slightly younger than the others known as [color=FFFFFF]Tahoma[/color]. She now thrives playing with [color=87CEFA]Okami[/color] and snuggling up to him through the dark nights, he was designated the role of watching her when [color=DDA0DD]Aiyana[/color] and [color=FFFFFF]Tahoma[/color] chose to scout the territories vast landscape. Though Suki figured he didn't mind since they spent most days playing, lounging and keeping each other company with very few a complaint.[/color] [hr] [b]Pack Member / Loner:[/b] [color=BA55D3]Pack Member[/color] [b]Pack Name:[/b] [color=BA55D3]The Native Valley Pack[/color] [b]Pack Rank:[/b] [color=BA55D3]Pup[/color] [b]Mate:[/b] [color=BA55D3]n/a[/color] [/center]