Alexander examined his naginata with a sigh of relief before examining his new pet further. As he suspected it wasn't fully grown, though it appeared he had gotten the pick of the litter, briefly searching for a name he came up with Larion. Simple, but he liked the sound of it. He turned to face the sound of a cry for help along with loud whistling sounds. "Alright buddy lets go." Alexander whispers. They make their way towards the source of the sounds and find a small clearing. As soon as he arrived he saw that Nikolaus and Sapphire appeared to be fighting a plagued harpy, and as an overwhelming stench it him he realized what it was coming from.. It was just getting up and coming back to attack them, through the fading dust. Alex quickly considered what to do, Obviously he had to help, Sapphire couldn't hold off the beast with just a knife, even disregarding the toxic fluids that were dripping from the creature. He quickly narrowed his options down to two. Either attempt to kill it as fast as possible, or cripple and disable it killing it slowly. He quickly dismissed the idea of a fast finish, far too risky. Since he had conveniently arrived behind the creature he first dropped his pack as it would slow him down and took out his crossbow. He took a deep breath preparing himself, then fired a shot into the creatures back, nearly instantly reloading and slamming it into the strap at his side. Alexander than ran forward shouting, "Look away!" partially to help get the harpies attention and of course, to warn them of what was coming. As soon as the beast turned to face him he would hold his hand up and feel the familiar rush of power before shouting the word, "Flare!" A blinding flash of light emitted from his outstretched palm doubtlessly causing the harpie to reel back arms flinging up to cover its eyes. Alexander dashed forward rolling between the creatures legs and slashing his weapon across the back of its knees attempting to hamstring it before jumping back from the resulting fluid landing next to Sapphire. "It should be hamstrung, bleed it out, no need to endanger ourselves going for the kill savvy?" he asked to make sure his plan was clear. Somewhat belatedly he realized he hadn't issued any commands to his pet, "Larion, don't attack!" he said, hoping that it wouldn't get itself injured attacking.