[b]Kotori Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015[/b] With matters about the Mother's Day gift flowers settled, Shizuka bid her farewell to which Kotori returned the bow. [color=green]"Ah, thank you too, Otonashi-san. We look forward to seeing you then,"[/color] she said, the latter words feeling a little awkward - but she still felt a little happy that the girl was so joyous at the prospect of the gift. However, rather than say any more, a rather unexpected sight caught Kotori's eye - and Shizuka's, it seemed - when Alexei, who had been talking to her mother, turned to face the two girls. It took her a moment to realise that there were tears coming from his eyes and she wasn't quite sure she wasn't just imagining it as he bowed quickly - but then it turned out to be true as he raised his head again and shortly left the store. The so very unexpected sight left Kotori glancing between the slowly shutting door and her mother as Shizuka, leaving the older boy a moment, followed suit. It was only once they had left that Kotori hurried to the counter; in her hurry not even having noticed the handkerchief covering the small prick that Shizuka had incurred. [b]Tsubame Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015[/b] Following her words, for a lack of better words, Alexei fell apart. He had briefly shown this side moments before - but he'd recovered in time. Now, however, the tears filled up the corners of his eyes before spilling over. He quickly noticed though and bowed his head even as Tsubame's smile turned gentle - it seemed that the boy really was having it tough, though she didn't speak a word yet. He spoke - to his credit with only a slight wavering - instead, asking to confirm that she really would honour her words if ever the need arose. Tsubame gave a slow nod - though even if Alexei was quite tall, he'd hardly be able to see it with his head bowed so low - before putting it to words too: [color=ivory]"Of course. You have my word, Dragunov-kun."[/color] Her voice had been more low-key as opposed to her usual almost perpetual cheerfulness as if to make clear her sincerity - how could she not, after what he'd just shown? As he then expressed his gratitude, her smile returned again as she gave a bow whilst receiving the money. [color=ivory]"Oh, I must thank you,"[/color] she said before the boy gave a bow toward both Shizuka and Kotori and, after a smile that seemed to be bit too strained to be a common occurence for him, headed outside. Seeing the confused look on her daughter's face, Tsubame could already tell that she'd be heading right over the second the other girl left - which she did just moments later. [color=green]"Wha... was everything alright?"[/color] Kotori asked, briefly glancing out through the flowers standing in the display windows and outside, but not seeing Alexei and only a glimpse of Shizuka before she passed out of the field of view afforded. [color=ivory]"Oh, there's really nothing to worry about,"[/color] Tsubame said with a smaller smile than usual. [color=ivory]"Dragunov-kun merely got a little emotional,"[/color] she said - though the doubt was written all across Kotori's face in the small ways that her mother knew how to read all too well. Whilst she didn't doubt the words per se, it was just quite a difference to the usually so stoic-seeming and imposing-looking Alexei that it was a little hard to believe right away. [color=ivory]"Don't worry, neither he nor his family are in any trouble. Quite the opposite, really,"[/color] Tsubame said with a wider smile. Glancing one last time out the window, Kotori slowly nodded after a moment's thought - though she hadn't seen his face for more than a few moments, he hadn't seemed quite as sad as tears might have suggested. Deciding to let the matter rest - perhaps there would be an opportunity to ask at a later time without prying into the matter too deeply - Kotori remembered that there was still work to be done. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Ferrero Mall | Friday, May 1 2015[/b] Kotori was looking down at her shopping list once again, mentally crossing off the last item that was packed away in her bag before looking back up with a brief satisfied expression - only to turn startled when suddenly loud music started up. Looking to its source, a group of five girls burst onto the stage - Azure 5, the idol group whose show had been announced before and whose faces were on the numerous flyers around town for a while. There was a large crowd gathered in front of the stage and their cheering was mixing with the music as the girls danced about the stage whilst singing; showing no signs of stage fright despite standing before so many people - at least no sign that Kotori could notice. Standing a bit away from the crowd, she was watching the show - whilst she didn't follow the ever-changing world of idols both male and female, she couldn't help but admire them for the way they could stand upon a stage with the world watching and sing to their heart's content, wearing such flashy and cute clothes. When the show drew to a close and the girls gave a final bow, Kotori gave a subdued clapping - mostly due to her shopping bags containing the next few days' groceries being in the way. The cheers were loud and went on for a little while longer - they must be quite popular, she thought as she got ready to head back home. However, just as she turned, she heard a voice over the general noise of the crowd - in particular, a name being cried repeatedly; the slowly rising panic in the voice evident even against the backdrop though not the exact name unfortunately. Had perhaps some friends got split up in the slowly moving crowd - or perhaps a child gotten lost? Not seeing who was calling through all the people, it then seemed to stop - hopefully because the caller had found who they were searching. Deciding to hang on for a moment, Kotori looked about to see if any children happened to be about without any attending parent or sibling - but to no avail. As a boy took to the stage with his guitar, the crowd was starting to thin out - their main draw, Azure 5, having left already after all. Amongst those still staying, some were listening to the boy who was soon joined by a girl, though neither drew Kotori's attention at that moment - instead, she pushed up her glasses that had gotten a little misaligned from the constant looking about as before passing over one girl in particular. A frantic expression coupled by the uneasy way she held her phone to her ear brought to mind the voice Kotori had heard - were the calls perhaps only interrupted because she was speaking to someone on the phone? It took her another moment - but after seeing the clear distress on the girl's face, Kotori decided to step closer; waiting for her to finish her call. She couldn't hear what she was saying over the music and the other people's voices - but she didn't seem happy, that was for sure. When the girl in question brought her phone back down from her ear, Kotori stepped forward. [color=green]"E-excuse me?"[/color] she said, her voice barely audible over the background noise and probably not even heard, given the intended listener's state. [color=green]"Is... is everything alright?"[/color] she asked, only slightly louder this time and all the while with worry creeping into her expression. Whilst she wasn't sure it was her place to burst into someone else's matters in this way, she couldn't help but at least offer her help if she could - even if she felt a little silly for not having anything else to say in such a situation other than a question to which the answer so clearly was 'No'.