[h1][hr][b][i]Character Sheet[/i][/b][/h1][hr][i][b] Name:[/b][/i] Elizabeth Beaumont-Atkinson [i][b]Place of Birth:[/b][/i] Seattle, Washington [i][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/i] May 23rd, 1937 [i][b]Blood Type:[/b][/i] AB Positive [i][b]Height:[/b][/i] 5"1 [i][b]Weight:[/b][/i] 146 lbs. [i][b]Witch Rank:[/b][/i] Sorceress [i][b]Stones:[/b][/i] One polished Emerald stone embedded onto each bracelet on her hands, and one cut diamond hanging from a necklace. [i][b]Species:[/b][/i] Witch [i][b]Familiar:[/b][/i] Cat, "Frieda" [i][b]Powers:[/b][/i] Oral recitation of spells is needed to call forth her Magic. The longer the incantation, the stronger the spell. Spells she casts are often powered by couplets that rhyme and consequently needs more lines to recite as the strength of the spell increases. Has mastered nonverbal abilities such as glamouring, astral projection, telekinesis, precognition and retrocognition, sensing, telepathy, and potion making, although she has already advanced plenty in the use of her powers. Has the ability to vaguely know someone's identity through physical contact; can be used to determine if a person is an ally or enemy, including their intentions, and can detect lies. [i]Glamouring[/i] - changes the person's appearance into that of another, real or not. [i]Astral Projection[/i] - the ability to project one's consciousness into an astral form outside the body. [i]Telekinesis[/i] - the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. [i]Precognition[/i] and [i]Retrocognition[/i] - the ability to see forward and back into the future, respectively. [i]Sensing[/i] - the ability to track someone. Tools mostly used by witches to track someone are a map, a powerful mineral Crystal such as amethyst or Quartz tied to a string, or blood. A person can also use Magic to scan their surroundings to detect nearby presences, near or far, depending on the power of the witch(es). This power can be strengthened by the power of other witches, alive or dead. [i]Telepathy[/i] - the ability to read and broadcast the thoughts of oneself and others. [i]Potion Making[/i] - using unorthodox ingredients, a witch can make special brews that have specific enhancements or capabilities to mimic a spell's effects. Drinking a potion allows one to use a spell's boosts or offensive capability without oral recitation or the use of active powers. [i]Deflection[/i] - a rare ability, it is used to deflect all kind of supernatural powers that are used against the wielder using an energy-based shield generated from the wielder's hand. It must be consciously activated in order for the power to work which makes the witch vulnerable when unaware of an impending attack. [i]Empathy[/i] - The ability to feel others' feelings and channel them, as well as to copy other's powers. [i]Illusion Casting[/i] - The ability to create illusions which alter the victim's senses and perception of his/her surroundings. [i]Incineration[/i] - The ability to kill someone by setting him on fire. [i][b]Personality:[/b][/i] Elizabeth can appear to really be the kind old lady that takes care of her granddaughter with plenty of love. Even though she needs plenty of taking care of herself due to her health problems caused by old age, she does well in caring for Eliza as if she were her own daughter. Seeing as she already had a child, the motherly instincts are still there. Elizabeth is also incredibly responsible since she once belonged to a very rich social circle and was also in charge of much of her late husband's abundant work. Now dedicated to a life is solitude alongside Eliza, she enjoys the simple pleasure of keeping the bakery running and baking pastries with much enthusiasm for her work. But she also demonstrates surprising courage when facing an enemy. Once she dedicates herself to defeat or vanquish an enemy, she goes full force so her granddaughter is unaware of the dangers there are to face. She's extremely dedicated to protecting her granddaughter's innocence so she never has to kill while at the same time teaching her to defend herself using magic. [i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DDhr0Iq.jpg[/img]