With a goal set in her mind and nothing else to say to the emperor, Mia took her leave and joined the others. She mused to herself on what a ragtag bunch they are...Did the emperor picked ballots from a hat or something? There certainly was little rhyme or reason, but at least they'll keep her company throughout the entire quest. She can see it now...Their names being called and heralded as heroes of the continent! Wouldn't be amazing to be seen as a big-shot hero? Having quite enough of her all too hopeful reverie, the girl caught up with the group in the streets. Once at the caravan, the heavily-armored man began to recite a poem that had been sung by bards it would seem. The little piece told of the atrocity that are the Slysari, much like what the emperor had said, these creatures are basically demons, perhaps moreso. The thought of facing them up close made Mia shiver...Imagine encountering one while being separated from the group? Creepy. When Sayrin was done he began to talk about how there's no more turning back, and how basically these things need to be erased from the world. The girl raised her voice in response, [b][i]"Well let's get going then! The less chit-chat, the faster we can kill these things!"[/i][/b] Even if her words were spoken with slight fear, her excitement was getting the better of her and made her more than ready to depart and start seeing sparks fly. After a while of idle chit-chat, the caravan met to a halt and they were greeted by a dwarf. Mia never liked dwarves, she always saw them as crude...This one was no exception. The girl was trying to hold back all the comebacks she could shout at this little man but she knew that he would be vital to their quest and just decided to keep silent. [b][i]"Hmph."[/i][/b] She puffed at the thought of riding with the dwarf, but alas there's nothing she can do. Still keeping silent, Mia climbed aboard the wagon in what she thinks is a comfortable enough spot.