Rikimaru was taken by surprise, a classmate that remembered him. The mask made him stand out a little more than he'd ever want but it was a nessary evil. Still it was... Nice, for lack of a better word. "It happens. Layla is any easy song to get carries away with." He was so calm about it you'd think he was talking about the weather. It wasn't all that uncommon for Rikimaru to play until his fingers bled. Playing, like fighting was almost an unhealthy addiction for him. By the time he had finished speaking, more and more people started gather around. All either impressed by the music or the fact he could play through the pain and the blood. Either way, Rikimaru didn't want anything to do with this. Heaven forbid that idol agent would come over. They were hard to get rid of to say the least. Rikimaru did take solice in that girl though. Anyone would be a fool to go after him and not her. Am,the girls name was name. She had shouted something at him before running off but he couldn't make it out. He almost wished that she had left her number. Their on stage chemistry was awesome. She could have been fun to play with but there was more pressing matters to deal with. Rikimaru went back to Gen. He stuck out his bloodied hand for a hand shake Realizing it was the bloody hand that needed a little medical attention, he withdrew his hand and simply bowed. "Rikimaru Elsworth. Could I bother to show me where this pharmacy is? I need to take care of my hand before it gets any worse." Again his voice was calm, almost detached from the whole situation.