[b][u]Karras's Pecs[/u][/b] Karras sighed and he looked back at Silvia. "Why do me and my people dislike an idea of a woman in charge?" He repeated not expecting a answer back at all. Looks like it was story time in the cave of crystals. It never mentioned in their file that there tribe used to be bigger, a lot bigger. "I guess we never told the GTC why we did,... we don't disclose our history to outsiders. I suppose I can make an exception with you." He moved over to the wall and leaned his back against it just for a second. "The reason we dislike women in charge, is long past even my time our people were nearly wiped out. What your looking at now on this planet are the surviving generations of those people. We were huge in size, we had about thousands or more people and a bigger village. Until the day that all came to a screech halt as one woman ended our days of glory." "It may have took a woman like you coming here to save my people, but it also took someone like you to almost destroy our entire civilization. We were strong we were proud,.... and all it took was a woman on her period to almost wipe us out." He explained. " He then rose up and looked in the direction she pointed. It was as if the crystals them selves where helping her out. Maybe they hated Tristan too. There wasn't a single thing on this planet that did like that man as far he knew. "This planet is nearly dead because of that woman, so you can understand why we are fearful and don't like them when they are in power." He pushed away from the wall and then scratched a itch at his side. He smirked even more as he thought of her communicating with crystals as they seemed to tell her where to go. What was leading her down here and then he had to chuckle. "I wonder how pissed your GTC would be if you synced with every crystal in this place?..." He then began to head in the direction of the way she pointed right before patting her on the head. "Despite the story, you seem alright, even got me considering on changing a few things in our way of life. That maybe not all women are bad. The Gwen seemed to react in a supportive way. I sometimes think it's our pride that stops us from achieving anything. Even the use of some technology,.... its funny our pride makes us hypocrites..." He gave a little chuckle at that. "We dislike technology and refuse to let it play a role in our lives, but we have... we use and touch the tech in this mine so that the GTC will help us survive. Sounds like to me we let technology play a big role in our lives." He did not know why he was being so informal to her about his thoughts on everything but he liked talking, better then them trying to survive this in silence. "To be honest,.... I think the whole GTC corporation is stupid. I mean Tristan is here because no one likes him, but they need him to run the tower. There are plenty of talents like your self to replace them, why they hadn't already is beyond me. They want a tower here because of the crystal and perhaps something else that is very important. They did not send him here to help kill the planet." He added. Then again he did not like GTC in general. He never trusted it despite the help it provided it. They all seemed like snakes with many heads. You can never trust a snake. [b][u]The Tower[/u][/b] [i]Are you trying to make me hate myself? I don't need to watch the recording,... well not now. Maybe I will in my quarters. I don't want the twins to suddenly get a peak at to what crystal they put in this arm. They may not be behind it but if they don't know that a member of a race who is sensitive to the black crystals has a shard of one in his arm the better. I already hate the idea that I will soon be leaving this place due to you going to transfer me. [/i] By no doubt Silvia was worried about him, why else would she help him. She couldn't have loved him after what he pulled. Then again perhaps she does still, maybe there is some genuine love still in there some where for him. It would explain what occured the other night. [i]I know she was worried and that she cares about me deeply, last night proved that. What a great night that was. Glad to have experienced it before I die even if all we did was hold each other and stuff. Before you ask no we didn't do it. I still feel that this whole event, that his world will claim my life at some point. [/i] The depression was at its high this time, he felt a little afraid at his words. He did not want to die or be transferred it was just a gut feeling that he would leave this world somehow. Either by Craig transferring him or in casket. He looked at his arm once more and began to marvel at it. He then looked at his tools and then back to his arm. It was a work of art, it would be a shame if people did not know who the artist was. He smirked as he turned down the cutting tool just enough to skin the surface. He carved her name into and when he was done he nodded. He kept a watchful eye on the twins. What if their paranoia had them looking at the wrong talents. Tristan is guilty in it no doubt, he is to blame for everything might as well blame him for the explosion too. [i]I would enjoy investigating the mines myself if I wasn't confined to watching them. We being talents though I doubt we could go in there for too long before one of us got mad.[/i] Wait a minute.... his arm injected something into him that made him able to use a shard of a black crystal with no problems what so ever. He was able to sync with it. Even a shard of a black crystal is powerful in its own right. It was smaller then his orange crystal but dwarfed it in its abilities ten fold. What if the device in his arm would keep the mine from making him go mad?... not that it matters because he couldn't dig his way into that cave. [i]You know a thought just came to my mind. There is a device in my arm that is blocking off my sensitivity to a shard of the black crystal.... now we know that even a shard is more powerful then any regular crystal which is why my people can use any other crystal just fine. I wonder if that device would prevent the mine from making me go mad, I mean unless there is a black crystal floating around in it I doubt it. It's been what how long sense we dug one up? Perhaps I can withstand it. I would like to help you out just one more time before I am transfered. If only you can come up here and relieve me I can give it a try,... then again the cave in would be a problem for testing it out... god I need a vacation. Maybe when this is over if you decide not to transfer me, I still think I need time off planet. I have not had a vacation in such a long time that I most likely need one.[/i] He said as his depression seemed to make him feel even worse. He was going to start talking to a empath after this. On planet or off planet.