[Center][h1]Noboru Yamamoto-Photo Finish Finale!- May 3rd, 2015[/h1][/center] As they entered through the doors, Noboru checked his trusty tape. It was wrapped nice and tight around his fists, with strips of sandpaper slipped inbetween each wrap. It felt like it really did damage, to where he felt useful. He wasn't just a burden with his skills, he actually waa able to do damage. He may have not had any woodly doodly magic but he couid sure as hell punch stuff into submission. Still, he couldn't help but feel inferior. He wanted to do the woodly doodly magic, look important. Oh well, those were thoughts for another time, when someone didn't need rescuing. Looking around, he noticed the tacky decorations. [Color=navy]"God what is this place? Looks tacky as hell. Not even my family would like this shit. Where are we even? Who the hell was kidnapped this time? Why do people keep getting kidnapped.[/color] Noboru looked around again, and shuddered. It hurt his eyes to look at all this. He came up with an idea and caught up to Rui. Placing his hand on Rui's shoulder, he spoke. [Color=navy]"Hey Rui. You lead, but let me take the front. I'm the most resilient here, I can take the surprise attacks and heavy hits. That way we can be in tip top shape for any fights. Yes? No?"[/color]