[center][h1]ROBERT GILLES[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/posts/2014/07/sam/015636eac.jpg[/img][/center] Sex: Male Age: 38 Skills: Science, chemistry, shooting with a revolver. Personality: Calm, collected. Proceeds with logic and good sense. Flaws: Nearsighted ; Prone to illness History (Pre-outbreak): Robert was a chemist before the outbreak. Originally from the UK, he moved to the US to do his researches there. History (Post-outbreak): Bio on how your character survived in the zombie infested world, and how they settled in a fortified tavern in a small New York town. Were they there all along, with no experience in the "real" new world? Or did they have a group, and settled as recently as yesterday? He was stuck in a lab with other scientists. One elderly scientist died, and became a zombie. After this, it contaminated all their work, and everyone started panic. He killed people who had been infected, and fleed the lab. After travelling on his own on a stolen motorcycle, he found a group which he joined. The leader of this group went mad and poisoned all their water and food. On an expedition at the time, Robert found the entire group dead on the ground. The person he was on the expedition with was in on the treason, and shot Robert in the leg, leaving him to die. Robert crawled back to his motorcycle and went off to New York. He has recently arrived at the tavern, and is now waiting for someone to open the door to him.