Mandeep sat quietly at the meeting point. He was cleaning his desert eagle, checking his ammunition. He'd arrived in advance, as he usually did to anything. When he had heard the promise of seventy thousand rupees, he'd immediately accepted. It was quite an easy task: in about ten to fifteen minutes, two gangs would meet up and do a drug deal. He and some other hired hands would have to stop the deal. Simple. He had never heard of either of the two men organizing the deal, but apparently one should be left untouched if Mandeep wanted to stay alive: the leader of the Indian Mafia. The lack of police sirens or constantly honking cars was pleasant, and he basked in the sun. A few birds twittered, and a cool breeze swayed his air and shirt. Now he began to wonder who his companions would be in this operation. Would they be very skilled in this kind of thing, or relatively new like him?