Skotadi decided to go back to the Sweet Shoppe as she was running out of PoP Rocks and strangely enough she was starting to find them quite addictiive. That made up her mind, she was staying away from the Sweet Shoppe, she was getting a little bored actually and decided to leave, she figured that everyone else that wasn't still in the village would be having a lot more fun than she was. She couldn't bare the thought of missing out on some valuable information, she silently jogged towards the exit which happened to be next to the Wand Shop. When she got close to the exit she saw a shadow of something in her flashlight so she flipped around but all she could see was some bushes, she looked for a while and there it was again. The shadow always stayed at the edge of the light like it was curious but afraid of the it all at the same time. [color=00aeef]"Who are you? I know you are there so just come out will you. On the count of three, 1....2....2 1/2....2 3/4....3."[/color] She was starting to become a little scared which was unusual for her as she always believed that there was always a logical explanation for everything.