Clapping along at Meghara's performance, his sharp eyes quickly sought her out and he gave a wide grin, before donning his mask and retrieving a pouch from his back pocket. He wore an all black suit, fitting him snugly with an elegant tie. Adjusting his top hat, he breathed in and out slowly before he strode out into the ring, grinning and completely in his element. Bowing smoothly, he spread his arms, voice just loud enough to be heard above the crowd. "Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I'm sure you've found all of tonight's performances enchanting. I hope you'll like mine just as much." Quickly, he cupped some of the powder from the pouch in his palm, fine white hair falling over his face before raising his head to blow it up and out. It seemed to group together at the top of the tent before dispersing and becoming delicate snowflakes, large as your hand and perfectly white. Wherever they touched the ground, icy flowers seemed to sprout out of the ground, petals peeling open to reveal their rainbow frosted centers. A soft layer of snow covered the ground, a cold blanket hushing all sound and breathing a fresh, cold breath. Walking forward, he plucked one of the fragile roses gently, and displayed it to the crowd, before covering it with one hand. He waited a moment, closing his vibrant blue eyes before gingerly revealing it to be...a small, snowy white rabbit. Nose twitching curiously, it's ears twitched nervously, and he stroked it reassuringly, before strolling towards a young boy and handing it to him with a gentle smile. "Do you like her?" A hurried nod was all the answer he needed, and he returned to the center of the ring, and with each step he took, the flowers slowly closed and disappeared into the retreating snow. Then, the ground was clear, ready for the next performance. The silence lasted for another second, before it cracked and the crowd burst into applause. Bowing again, he caught the eye of the boy still holding the rabbit, and winked, before tipping his hat and disappearing in a swirl of icy wind.