[b][center]Deep In The Mines Of Altenia[/center][/b] Silvia took a deep breath as she slowly leaned over, her hands on either side of her head as she tried to listen to Jun’Krama, the song of the crystals in this part of the mines was a bit more than she had run into thus far. It took a fair bit of time before she let out a cough and slowly straightened herself before leaning back against the cool surface of the mine shaft itself. “Sorry about that, it comes in waves down here,” she said as she pushed her hair out of her face. Slowly the words he said began to sink in now that her mind was able to clear itself. “So all this [i]hatred[/i] stems from the actions of one woman, in one moment in time, long before you or any can remember?” she asked rhetorically before she looked over to him. “You know, in the ancient history and stories on my planet we have something similar, actually we have many. Most all of the genocides or waste of the planet came from the action of men. Some magical, some not,” she said before looking away. “People over the millennia have blamed the horrors on the gods, sometimes the men, sometimes the talents. I could never understand it. Why carry all this animosity towards a single race or gender…. Or talent because of the actions of a select few. Everyone is different,” she said as she slowly looked over towards him. “It would be like me hating you and your people just because non-talents tried to use talents for their own personal gain a thousand years ago. I see no point. I’ll let your actions speak for you instead of the actions of the past predetermining how I should,” she added before pushing herself off the wall. “Pride is a dangerous thing.” Clearing her throat she laughed slightly at his mention of bonding with the crystals. “I would hope that never happens. That is why Singers go mad. It isn’t the song that so much drives them insane but it can play a part of it. The resonance plays tricks on a mind open with talent. Their true madness though comes from the separation from the crystals. Each crystal they mine and cut they partially bond with. Something that happens to Singers and only Singers. When they sell the Crystal the bond is broken. The smaller crystals it is a mere inconvenience, though larger ones it can be like losing a friend. The most powerful ones, the large black ones, it is akin to losing a child. A Singer can only take so much mental anguish.” “As far as the GtC goes, I don’t trust many either but that is another story for another time though I do notice you didn’t answer one of my questions,” she said as she perked a brow. “When you touched me, I asked what your excuse was. Is pride keeping you from answering or something more?” she said as she turned and continued back down the tunnels. [b][center]Altenia Tower[/center][/b] [i]”No, I am not trying to make you hate yourself, you do far enough of that. But I think there are certain points you need to see. One is what went into that arm, the construction and workings. She explained a lot to Marx as she worked. I think it may help you better understand that new piece of hardware. The other is more personal yes but not to make you hate yourself. Perhaps it will help you accept yourself as you are; like she has,”[/i] Craig said as he rubbed his temples. [i]”You can wait to watch of course but it is something you need to see. As far as the mines go, it just backs up what I am saying about watching the recording. She clearly states it won’t help with any crystal but the one in your arm. It wouldn’t let you run a tower. So it won’t protect you down there. As far as the investigation goes, I will lead that. I still want to transfer you, I doubt you like the idea but you have not been yourself since she arrived and with the way things are going I can only imagine it will get far worse. If I can’t trust you to not fall apart constantly you are more of a risk than an asset. Even if the transfer is not permanent I agree you need to get off world. Perhaps Earth would be a good starting point.”[/i]